Buddhist Circuit in Bhutan
The village of Nobgang in Punakha district has been identified as a cultural site under the Cultural Heritage Bill, and the formulation and implementation of the Nobgang Stewardship Plan is expected to draw lessons for the implementation of the Bill across Bhutan upon its approval. Implementation of the plan has started with structural interventions being executed as per the plan’s cultural landscape design principles, including – (a) Construction of dormitories for the local monks and dismantling of the old dormitories; (b) Shift of the existing parking from the village’s core to an accessible location at its entry; (c) Rescue of the village original meeting point and main communal space today used as parking; (d) Overall landscaping of the village using native species; (e) Rehabilitation of urban features, such as fences and pathways, and restoration of façades and utilities in the core area. The Project will support the Royal Government by providing financial, advisory and technical support to the overall implementation of the Stewardship Plan as well as to (i) the rehabilitation of one of the latest traditional farmhouses unique to Bhutan and its adaptive reuse as a B&B and restaurant to be owned and managed by the community, (ii) the refinement of the draft community-based business plan for the B&B and restaurant, (iii) the partnership building with reputable tourism entities and support to the placement of community members in hospitality trainings, and (iv) the drafting of a promotion strategy for the community-owned enterprise.
Department of Human Settlements, MoWHS
Department of Human Settlements, MoWHS
Division for Conservation of Heritage Sites, MoHCA

Cultural Landscape Framework for Human Settlementsin Bhutan

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Human Settlements in Bhutan

Establish a Model Community-Based Social Enterprise in Nobgang
The Cultural Landscape Framework for Valley Development Planning will provide a practical guide to steward the development of Bhutan’s valleys in a way that stewards the long-term integrity of their fragile assets, nature and people, in line with GNH principles. This framework is expected to support MoWHS to achieve its larger objectives of promoting a more balanced spatial and socioeconomic development in Bhutan, as presented in the SGNH, BNUS, NHSP, CNDP and the 12th FYP: As a spatial planning guide, the framework is expected to provide DHS with (i) an approach, (ii) principles, (iii) goals, (iv) practical actions and tools to inform the required inter-ministerial, collaborative and multisectoral processes. The defining elements of a living cultural landscape are so interconnected that they should neither be developed nor protected in isolation and without the commitment of residents and visitors to come. As a decision-making tool, the framework is expected to provide DHS with the rationale and tools for the (i) collection of relevant data, (ii) facilitation of dialogue and (iii) consensus building. Peoples’ presence and resulting benefits should not only be in sync with the cultural landscape’s fragile context and longstanding history, but also be shared fairly with the local communities while appreciated by the larger Bhutanese and global societies in line with GNH principles.
The Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation of Human Settlement Planning will provide a practical tool for human settlements planning, including the main concepts, objective, methodologies, capabilities and tools for data collection and assessment, progress reporting and decision making towards achieving the outcomes of its spatial and service delivery plans. The M&E Framework will focus on ensuring that the MoWHS has access to reliable and timely information for learning and decision making, ultimately supporting the achievement of the outputs, outcomes and impacts of the human settlement planning and implementation processes adopted by the MoWHS. Likewise, the M&E framework will help MoWHS in measuring the effectiveness and impact of a particular plan, thereby contributing to learning, improved performance and accountability. Once fully operational, the M&E Framework is expected to provide MoWHS with a practical tool for its officials to measure the effectiveness and impacts of a particular plan, thereby contributing to learning, accountability and results on the ground.
Nobgang B&B and Restaurant entails supporting the DCHS in establishing a model community-based B&B and restaurant in one of Bhutan’s most traditional villages, Nobgang, in Punakha. With previous Bank advisory support, DCHS has formulated a Stewardship Plan for Nobgang in a highly participatory manner, which highlights this social business as the residents’ priority for the revival of the village’s vibrancy. A traditional farmhouse, owned by the Royal Government in the village, has been designated to this end, and will be refurbished by DCHS. DCHS is responsible for preparing all drawings, seeking all clearances and conducting all adaptive reuse works.