Uttar Pradesh

Support to Women Enterprises in Uttar Pradesh, India

U.P. Pro-Poor Tourism Development Project

Project Development Objective (PDO)

The Project Development Objective is to increase tourism-related benefits for local communities in targeted destinations 

Project Beneficiaries

The Uttar Pradesh Pro-Poor Tourism Development Project is expected to have far-reaching social, economic and environmental benefits at local and state levels. 20. The project will benefit communities and entrepreneurs near some of the main tourist attractions in its targeted areas. Entrepreneurs engaged in or seeking to engage in the tourism value chain, such as rickshaw drivers, local artisans, street vendors and food and beverage providers, as well as general community members, will benefit from greater access to basic services and enhanced income generation opportunities and jobs. Further, entrepreneurs and small business owners will benefit from skills development and diversification, support to business development and enhanced linkages with the tourism value chain. 
The project will also benefit both low- and high-spending domestic and foreign tourists visiting each destination by improving their overall experience. It will do so by (i) enhancing interpretation and improving access to monuments and sites; (ii) diversifying and better tailoring tourist activities; (iii) providing improved basic and tourism-related services; (v) improving destination management; and (vi) raising the operating standards of tourism personnel. 
Given the prominent role played by the public sector at all levels in tourism planning, development and promotion, the project also seeks to benefit the Government of Uttar Pradesh and the Department of Tourism in their pro-poor tourism endeavors. It will do so by helping the government test new approaches at a manageable phase-wise scale and by providing the tools and capacity strengthening for the development of destination-level visions, planning and promotion strategies in a more inclusive, coordinated and sustainable manner  

Community Consultation
